A dream years in the making has finally come true - the City’s Creative Arts and Learning Center has become a reality! The multi-purpose facility is a gathering place where our children can learn to express themselves through the arts, study for a , receive one-on-one counseling and tutoring, and many other exciting developmental opportunities. Located next to the Dining Hall, it’s at the center of the campus, and is sure to be the favorite place for our kids to grow in Christ.
The CALC will provide Spirit-based programs that identify, develop, and nurture the God-given interests and talents of every child at the City of Children. The transformation creates an environment where self-worth grows, creative expression blossoms, and academic performance is enhanced. With your help, each child will be equipped to one day leave the City of Children with a balance of life skills necessary to successfully transition to Christian adulthood.
•The Learning Center - home to the City of Children's Library and Computer Lab - an ideal after-school study environment. It includes a dedicated space for private tutors as well as break-out rooms for group projects. The Learning Center will give kids at the home the opportunity to study in a relaxed, stress-free environment where learning becomes something they get to do as opposed to something they have to do. Professional counseling services and personal mentoring will make CALC the center of campus life.
•The Creative Arts Center - Those living at the City of Children don't have the option of being involved in extracurricular programs outside the home. The schools they attend don't offer courses or curriculum in the arts or music, leaving our children in need of more than the basics. The CALC houses an art studio, a music room, and a dance studio. Private instructors and professionals from around Ensenada as well as visiting Americans will come and teach those children hungry to discover their talents and gifts.
We want The City to be much bigger than a children’s home or childcare facility. We desire to be known as a place of faith and excellence, where every child achieves their full academic, creative, physical, emotional, and spiritual potential. Please help us in doing more than merely allowing our kids to survive - join us in helping them to truly thrive!