Sponsoring is a great blessing to our children and to you as well. It is an awesome responsibility and should be considered through prayer and reliance on the Spirit. Our children are so precious. They need people who will love them, care for them, and pray for them daily. Just like you, they want to be remembered on special days such as birthdays, Valentine's Day and Christmas. They love to receive special notes, cards or gifts from their Americano families. Sending pictures of you and/or your family is another great way to stay in touch and remind them you are thinking about them. Most of all, the children love to be visited by their Americano families. This is when real bonds of love are made. Your involvement in their lives is a true demonstration of your love and your faith. Your actions show the children that they are special and that their life really does matter.
Contact us if you are interested in sponsoring an individual child by clicking the SPONSOR button and filling out the required form. If not, consider donating to the CHILDREN’S STRATEGIC SUPPORT FUND to help us meet the daily expenses of the home including food, electricity, water, staff salaries, school supplies/uniforms, doctor visits, dental/orthodontia care, psychologist visits, creative arts education and more.