Campbell Street

This week we welcomed the second summer group from Campell Street Church of Christ with open arms! The group had many young leaders who were able to practice their skills and spread God’s love to our children. Campbell Street continued our previous work of installing landscape fabric under the rocks around the gym. They also helped a local family in Zorillo by building a new house for them!

The group’s youth leaders, Dalton Bennet and Claire Haggard, challenged their members by having them lead devotionals with the different age groups each night throughout the week. This process pushed these young leaders out of their comfort zones, but for the better, as they and our children learned many things from this week. Their lessons were focused on God’s faithfulness and commitment toward each one of his followers. 

The group’s hard work and leadership were valuable, and the smiles they brought our kids were priceless. Aside from ordinary everyday activities, Campbell Street ended the week with the Baja Olympics, a series of competitive games where our kids compete in many games until one team is crowned the winner. 

We want to thank Campell Street for all they did this week and for taking time out of their busy schedule to spread love to our children and the greater community outside our campus. We hope you enjoyed your time as much as we did, and can’t wait to see everyone back next year!

Special thanks to Claire Haggard for running our social media this week!


Riggs, Fairlane, and Wartrace


Green Hills