City of Children

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Green Hills

This week, we welcomed our first summer group from Green Hills Church of Christ! The group had many newcomers, but that didn’t stop them from jumping right in and spreading God’s love. They brought energy and excitement to every mealtime, playtime, devotional, and even their work project. They all contributed to the work project in which they started the long process of installing landscape fabric under all of the rocks around the gym and pavement on the American side. Their work will keep our walkways clean and prevent our kids and staff from having to pull weeds. Next week’s group will continue this project.

This group worked hard and played even harder. Green Hills’s youth minister, James Lane, consistently challenged the group to push through their fatigue and give all they had when playing with the kids. The laughs and smiles of the Mexicanos and Americanos alike served as proof of their success.

The week began with a fiesta as we celebrated the marriage of Esteban and Caroline Gonzalez! Everyone on campus danced the night away and had a great time, but the fun didn’t stop there. Green Hills had many fun events planned for the kids. VBS was filled with theatrics including shadow silhouettes to display the bible stories and “pillars” of fabric and lights attached to pulleys that raised up to the ceiling. The group also threw a “King’s Feast” for dinner one night to go along with the theme of Old Testament Kings. They finished things off with a bonfire and smores on their last night. The group also handed out benevolence boxes in the community.

We want to thank Green Hills for serving our kids and taking the time, energy, and resources to come to Mexico and show God’s love to others. We loved getting to know each of them and hope to see everyone back next year!

Special thanks to Adele Duncan for running our social media this week!

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